「洋画」の分野は最初の黒田清輝から最後の梅原龍三郎や安井曾太郎まで誰に対しても「洋画」を専門分野としています。「彫刻」の分野も最初の高村光雲から最後の平櫛田中まで「彫刻」の分野で選ばれています。 ところが、陶芸の分野ではどのように書かれているかと言いますと、清風与平は「陶工」、宮川香山は「陶業」、伊東陶山は「陶工」、諏訪蘇山も「陶工」、板谷波山に至っては、鋳金の香取秀真や彫金の清水南山と並んで「工芸」の分野で選ばれています。これは、選考する側(宮内省・日本美術協会・農商務省・文部省など)が分類した結果なのか、それとも、技芸員側の自己申告した結果なのか判然としませんが、少し明治陶芸を研究された方なら、さもありなんと首肯されるのではないでしょうか。
清風や伊東の経歴を見ると、確かに陶工としての修行をしています。板谷波山は周知の通り、東京美術学校での専攻が彫刻でしたし、石川県工業学校で教鞭をとっていた時の最初の担任も彫刻科でしたから、陶工というよりも広い意味の工芸家かなという気もします。ところが、宮川香山の「陶業」はどうでしょうか。この分類を字義通り受け止めれば、宮川香山は、他の四人がaritistもしくはartisanとして選考されたのに対して、entrepreneurの範疇で選ばれたということにならないでしょうか。確かに、宮川香山の工房では、棚橋香悦などの名人級の絵付け師や細工師が活躍していましたし、内外展示会へ積極的に出展したり、銅細工師とのコラボ作品を作成したりと、陶芸よりもプロデュースの方面で活躍した人と言えそうです。 そういう意味では、やはり帝室技芸員も時代を映した制度であったということが言えると思います。即ち、洋画や彫刻といった分野の技芸員を日本美術協会や文部省が推したとすれば、おそらく、陶芸の分野では農商務省の影響力が強かったのではないかと推測されます。陶磁器が当時の日本の主力輸出製品の一つであり、外貨の稼ぎ頭であったことを考えれば、それも不思議ではありません。
これに関連して、色々な事が頭に浮かびますが、とりとめがなくなりますので、またの機会に譲らせて下さい。 最後に、私のコレクションから、伊東陶山の作品(茶入れ一対)をご紹介させて頂きます。こちらは、如何にもという京焼アルチザンの逸品ではあります。
The other day, I touched on the topic of the Imperial Household Artist system from the Meiji era. Today, I would like to delve a bit deeper into this topic.
Over the 57-year history of the Imperial Household Artist system, only five individuals from the field of ceramics were selected: Seifu Yohei III, Miyagawa Kozan, Suwa Sozan, Ito Tozan, and Itaya Hazan. Looking at the list of Imperial Household Artists (as compiled by HIGUCHI Hideo in The Imperial Household Artist System: Its Establishment and Selection Process), I have noticed something interesting.
For example, in the field of “Western-style painting,” every artist—from the first, Kuroda Seiki, to the last, Umehara Ryuzaburo and Yasui Sotaro—is consistently categorized under “Western-style painting.” Similarly, in the field of “sculpture,” everyone from Takamura Koun to Hirakushi Denchu is categorized under “sculpture.”
However, in the case of ceramics, the categorization varies: Seifu Yohei is listed as a “ceramist” (toko), Miyagawa Kozan as “ceramic industry” (togyo), Ito Tozan as a “ceramist,” and Suwa Sozan also as a “ceramist.” Interestingly, Itaya Hazan is categorized under “crafts” (kogei), alongside figures like metal caster Katori Hozuma and metal engraver Shimizu Nanzan.
It is unclear whether these classifications were determined by the selection committees (which included the Imperial Household Ministry, the Japan Art Association, the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce, and the Ministry of Education) or were self-reported by the artists. However, those familiar with Meiji ceramics might nod in understanding.
For instance, both Seifu Yohei and Ito Tozan trained as traditional ceramists. Meanwhile, Itaya Hazan, as is well-known, specialized in sculpture at the Tokyo Fine Arts School and initially taught sculpture at the Ishikawa Industrial School, suggesting he was more of a general craftsman than a traditional ceramist.
What about Miyagawa Kozan being classified under “ceramic industry”? If this categorization is taken literally, it might suggest that Miyagawa Kozan was selected not as an artist or artisan like the others but rather as an entrepreneur. Indeed, Miyagawa Kozan’s workshop was home to master artisans like Tanahashi Koyetsu, and he actively participated in domestic and international exhibitions and collaborated with metalworkers to produce mixed-media works. In this sense, Miyagawa Kozan’s role seems to have been more of a producer than a traditional ceramist.
In this way, it can be said that the Imperial Household Artist system also reflected the era in which it existed. If the Japan Art Association and the Ministry of Education prioritized the selection of artists in fields like Western-style painting and sculpture, it is likely that the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce had a stronger influence in the field of ceramics. This would not be surprising, considering that ceramics were one of Japan’s leading export products at the time and a key source of foreign currency.
Many related thoughts come to mind, but I will save them for another occasion to keep this focused. Finally, let me introduce a piece from my collection: a pair of tea caddies by Ito Tozan, which exemplify the exquisite craftsmanship of Kyoto ceramics and their artisan traditions.