今回私のコレクションからご紹介する香蘭社製唐獅子図沈香壺や香蘭社時代の辻勝蔵の唐獅子図花瓶一対は、まさにこの納富介次郎の唐獅子のデザインを基にして描かれています。ここには、狩野派の影響は全くありません。牡丹の中に唐獅子の姿を隠すという趣向は江戸時代にもありましたが、唐獅子の姿そのものを牡丹で描いてしまうという謂わば trompe l'œilのような意匠はありませんでした。その意味で、これは当時最先端の近代的デザインだったと言えるのではないでしょうか。
From my collection, I would like to introduce a Kōransha-produced incense burner with a karajishi motif and a pair of vases featuring karajishi motifs by Tsuji Shōzō from the Kōransha era. These pieces are based directly on the karajishi designs by Nodomi Kaijirō. Notably, they show no influence from the Kanō school. While the idea of concealing a karajishi figure within peonies existed during the Edo period, the concept of using peonies themselves to form the karajishi figure—essentially a kind of trompe l’œil—did not exist. In this sense, this design can be considered a cutting-edge, modern innovation for its time.
However, unlike the lions and komainu of temples and shrines, which evolved and became deeply rooted in folklore, the depiction of lions in ceramics and fine arts did not further develop Nodomi Kaijirō’s designs. Instead, it appears to have gradually reverted to the motifs of the Kanō school. Whether this regression is due to the conservative tendencies of the ceramics industry or a lack of design sensibility among the Japanese people is a question I leave to you, the readers, to decide.